I needed such a thing desparately, so I created an interface:
namespace System.IO {Beagle source contains the interface and several implementations.
// A linereader interface
public interface LineReader {
// Returns a position marker, which can be used to navigate the lines.
// Some implementations may only allow moving in the forward direction.
// Might be different from line number or file offset.
// Should only be used for traversal.
long Position {
// Reads and returns the next line, null if EOF
string ReadLine ();
// Reads the next line and returns a stringbuilder containing the line
// The StringBuilder returned could be the same one used while reading,
// so it should not be modified and its content might change when readline
// is next called.
// This is the most worst horriblest API I ever designed, for sake of speed
// And thats why this should not be a public API.
StringBuilder ReadLineAsStringBuilder ();
// Skips the next line, return true if successful
bool SkipLine ();
// Skips required number of lines; returns actual number of lines skipped
long SkipLines (long n);
// Close the reader
void Close ();