If you are comfortable with vi (or even with vim or with gvim but dont use the menu too much), I suggest you to give ed a try. You'll love it.
(From the documentation page) An ed-quickcard:
All the standard ed commands are listed below, together with a brief description of their function. Those commands which may be given with line addresses are shown with the default values of the addresses in the first column. For example, 1,$ for w means that the write command may be given with one or two line addresses to specify a particular line or a range of lines to be written to a file, and that if no address is given the default address is 1,$ (ie, all the lines in the buffer are written out). The default address . represents the current line and $ represents the last line in the buffer.
The Input Commands
Default Address Command Function
. a text Append input text after addressed
line.The last line input becomes the
current line.
.,. c text Replace addressed lines with input
text. The last line input becomes the
current line.
. i text Insert input text before the addressed
line. The last line input becomes the
current line.
The Edit Commands
Default Address Command Function
.,. d Delete the addressed lines from
the buffer. The line after the
last deleted line becomes the
current line.
e file Delete the buffer contents then
read file into the buffer. The
last line read in becomes the
current line.
E file As for e but no warning is given
if a modified buffer has not been
written out.
f file Print current remembered filename
if file not specified, otherwise
set it to file.
1,$ g/R/cmds Perform cmds on all addressed lines
matching regular expression R. Last
line in which a match was found
becomes the current line.
.,.+1 j Join together all the addressed
lines. The resulting line becomes
the current line.
. kx Mark the addressed line with the
single lower case character name x.
The addressed line becomes the
current line.
.,. l List the addressed lines showing
non-printing characters and folding
long lines. The last line listed
becomes the current line.
.,. mA Move addressed lines to follow line
whose address is A. The last line
moved becomes the current line.
.,. p Print the addressed lines. The last
line displayed becomes current line.
q Exit from the editor.
Q Exit from the editor with no warning
if a modified buffer has not been
written out.
$ r file Read file into the buffer after
addressed line. The last line read in
becomes the current line.
.,. s/R/S/{g} Substitute string S for the regular
expression R in the addressed lines.
If g specified substitution is made
globally throughout addressed lines.
.,. tA Copy the addressed lines to follow
line whose address is A. Last line of
the copy becomes the current line.
.,. u Undo the effect of the previous
substitute command. The current line is
reset to its value before that command.
1,$ v/R/cmds Perform cmds on all addressed lines
not matching regular expression R.
1,$ w file Write the addressed lines into named
file. The current line is not reset.
1,$ W file Append the addressed lines to the
named file. Current line not reset.
x Decrypt or encrypt the text according
to an input key. The current line is
not reset.
$ = Print the line number of the addressed
line The current line is not reset.
|cmnd Pass cmnd to the UNIX shell to be
executed. Current line is not reset.
A Where A is one of the legal address
forms listed above: locate addressed
line and display it. The addressed line
becomes current line.
.+1 newline Print the next line. Addressed line
/linefeed becomes the current line.
Obligatory jokes link (not a PJ).
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